In an effort to see the now we’re feeling, patchworks of old Michigan sails were made into a series of site- specific windsocks. The breeze reports, “I’m feeling south-south-easterly and the winds of change are just around the bend.” Wind is seen by where it is going and named by where it has been; it’s the either that’s ethereal. We’ve got to stop, look, and listen. Notice the nows and the nevers. Pay attention to our atmosphere and look up, look out, look after one another.
Mary Rothlisberger is a thinker, writer, reader, hide-and- go-seeker finder situated in the hinterland of North America. Her installation-based work explores universal issues of relating to one another by sincerely engaging in site-specific action and encouraging an inclusive adventurous collective spirit. She listens to the wind and whistles while she works.